"There is a strength there as a group of researchers, which shows big potential"

Silvia Sfligiotti / committee member Corpo-real mid-term evaluation July 2024

"The combination of thinking, creating, and reflecting is a tremendously valuable part of this master’s. When you are creating, you use different parts of your brain than when thinking or writing, and therefore your thoughts and inspiration go in different directions that you wouldn’t go in otherwise."

Hennieke Velvis alumna 2023

multidisciplinary workshop / Work in the Post-Apocalypse

with Daria Khozhai / 29 January until 1 February in Zwolle

"The people for whom I design should be part of the entire process and not just use the design at the end of the process. Their voices should be at the center. I believe that design can truly cause a societal shift in that way, or at least challenge the prevailing power hierarchy."

Irem Biter alumna 2023

“I learned a lot from my fellow students since they had more experience in the field than I did. The programme encouraged me to see my unique strengths. They showed me how my unconventional background – in law and as a paralegal- allows me to stay open to new ideas and not fall back onto a traditional approach to design.”

Ting Yang alumna 2022

We cordially invite you to our 2nd year students event: Spread Power by Space

Wednesday 11.10 at 4 pm, Rhijnvis Feithlaan 50 Zwolle

corpo-real discourse workshop with Abel Enklaar

Friday 29 September / 12:30

Welcome day 2022 for new students

September 2, Rhijnvis Feithlaan 50, Zwolle

"Corpo-real students have to conduct an independent theoretical research which focuses on contemporary issues. The focus lies on the productive aspects of research, gaining knowledge that is useful for themselves and the profession."

Mark Proosten _ architect _ writer_ paper supervisor Corpo-real

Corpo-real discourse workshop

Corpo-real discourse workshop with Ingmar Nieuweboer on May 13, 1 pm

The setup of Corpo-real MA Interior Architecture is innovative and well structured. The idea of the studio as a laboratory addressing urgent societal matters including the interface between body, social, economic and technological “space” and spaces of inclusion seems to be reflected in the students’ works that often have the character of small research by design projects. The students are encouraged to think critically and to use design to explore contemporary societal challenges.

Peter Thule Kristensen Professor, dr.phil., PhD, Architect MAA Head of Spatial Design, Institute of Architecture and Design Core Scholar in Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen

Hospitable Society: experimenting with spatial solutions, exploring the borders of the field of Interior Architecture

13 October 2021 14.00-17.00, Rhijnvis Feithlaan 50, Zwolle

Dwelling in Vietnam

that allows its inhabitants to live in harmony with the rising water


OCTOBER 7, 2020, 4 pm Rhijnvis Feithlaan 50, Zwolle our second year student cordially invite you to their Case-study presentation of ‘my Outdoor Living Room’.

Joana Chicau (PT/NL) Media Choreographies March 9 2020

cross-disciplinary workshop that intersects choreography with design thinking, multimedia and computer programming

March 4 / 4 pm Public Talk and Interview

Alumnus Arco Hollanders talks about his experiences with the Professional Experience Programme in Interior Architecture

"There is a whole new world that absorbs our interest, because ultimately, the Profession of Architecture is work in the service of humanity."

Charlotte Perriand

I would like to highlight the importance of transversal initiatives from students who pursued non-conventional research, daring to explore territories beyond the classic fields of Architecture. These initiatives seem to open up new spaces for the practice but also for the school and the field of education itself.

Guido Giglio _ visiting expert finals 2019 - Design, Film, Research, founder of sulsosal.com


Phuong Duy Dao won the Art Academy Zwolle Award 2019! And by the way, he also graduated Cum Laude!

Public Talks and Lecture with Füsun Türetken

Fri July 5

public workshop with Amy Suo Wu

Tue May 21 | 13.00 - 16.00

ArtEZ-MA-Short-Xiaomin-2 from Corpo-real archives on Vimeo.

Xiaomin Deng speaks about her experiences within Corpo-real

I experienced a good mindset: sometimes we need to focus on the process- not the final destination: like we could be happy on the road- not the end of it.

Phuong Duy Dao _ Participant summerschool 2017

Students and alumni about Corpo-real

Corpo-real Facts from students and alumni 2018 from Corpo-real archives on Vimeo.


Discover the possibilities of starting a master programme in interior architecture during the open day at ArtEZ University of the Arts.

Corpo-real discourse moderator Shailoh Phillips

Shailoh Phillips (United States, 1979) is a researcher, educator and media artist. She will be moderating the Corpo-real discourse programme this colleyear.

CirC* Curator in residence 2018 Josh Plough

Josh Plough is our Curator in Residence. He is also design curator at Onomatopee Projects in Eindhoven and spends his time talking and writing about the intersection of design, art and technology criticism.

24.01.18 lecture programme Work Body Leisure

Lecture programme and discussions with Liss C. Werner, Jonas Runberger, Peter van Assche, Karin Hedlund and Alice Twemlow.